Monday, January 3, 2011

“Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad” -HISTORY

“Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad” is an all – India student organization , working in the field of education with a wider perspective of National  Reconstruction. ABVP works with a faith in the collective existence of the educational community, a firm belief in constructive work and a nationalist approach which stays above partisan politics.
Independence brought in its wake the challenges of reconstruction. The genius of the country has rusted through hundreds of years of foreign rule. It was imperative, therefore that the society re-organized itself in all its fields, each member doing  his bit in his own field. As the reorganization and reconstruction of each field would ultimately result in to national reconstruction, the Parishad chose the field of education its field of activity.
Founded in 1949 in Delhi the Parishad has gradually spread its work into all the University areas of our country. The Parishad has successfully led the students in the different part of the country, in their struggles and agitations for their rightful demands and against corrupt and inefficient authorities. It is a force to be reckoned with in the student world today. The Parishad’s record in the national emergencies is also worthy to be proud of its participation and selfless devotion in the various State Civil Defence Committees and Youths’ and Students’ leadership programmes have been applauded by the officials and the people.
The manifold activities conducted by the Parishad include projects and programmes aimed at national integration and social consciousness programmes to solve the economic and other problems of the students and programs to encourage the hidden talent of students, with a view to bringing the best out of everyone. Thus Parishad conducts Book -Bank, Students’ Vacation Employment Bureau, First class First Felicitation Functions, Inter Collegiate and Inter-University Music Competitions, Painting Competitions, Literary Competitions, Student – Writers’ Meets, Sports Meets, Social Participation Camps, Personality Development Camps, Technical, Medical, Management, Agri Students Workshops, Techinical Exhibitions, Indo Foreign Students’ Bureau, Study Circles and Art Circles, Student’s Experience in Inter –State Living, My Home is India, Students for Development etc.
Parishad is of the view that the student today is not a citizen of tomorrow, but is very much a citizen of today. As such he is destined to play a participatory role in the national life of the country. In the exacting struggle for life, the student does not stand on a pedestal. Along with other sections of the society, he also suffers from the same socio-economic stresses and strains. His education thus, is only a part of the prolonged struggle for life. The Parishad, therefore holds that this distinct, independent social this class of educated young citizens has a significant part to play in the revolutionary process of social change. The Parishad also holds that his class if organized with a constructive approach, will grow into a potent force for social change, which would under take the responsibilities of reconstruction and at the same time fight and banish the forces of corruption and activities of anti-social and anti-national elements

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